It seemed a bit depressing to think that all this time I had not really had a way to study. I had
a study plan but no tools to study other than to just reread stuff and put highlighter under
the things that I thought were important. I didn't know that was one of the least effective
ways to study. Thanks to the Ataredge program I now know better.
Our Testimonials
I didn't realise that there was any other way to study. I thought l just had to sit and read and
reread my books and that was studying. I never thought that I could use memory tricks and I
had never heard about speed reading (that's going to be a challenge!) and the whole idea
about tech helping me stay calm was really helpful. I wouldn't have known any of this unless
I had used the AtarEdge program. Really helpful.
The Atar edge program has been very useful in helping me accomplish my study and
academic goals. lt has also helped me feel more motivated and inspired to find new and
effective ways of studying. I really enjoyed the program and was happy to take part in
the early stages of its development. I would just like to say once again Thank you so much for this opportunity it has seriously been very helpful. I'm grateful that I had the opportunity to be
a guinea pig for the program and hope that my suggestions are helpful and allow the program
to grow and improve.
I found the AtarEdge program interesting. I have started to try some of the techniques and
although I am still working on them they have been very helpful. I learnt a lot on how to
study and that was really good. There is so much stuff to learn in school and not much on
how to learn it. I would recommend the AtarEdge to other students.
My experience of the AtarEdge program was a very new and exciting experience. learnt different
and interesting ways to study that really work. I recommend to all as it has helped me with
calming down and being able to think properly during tests and exams.
The Atar edge program has been really helpful and insightful and I can't wait to start applying the skills and tips you've discussed. Overall I think the program is very good and everything we've covered is useful and helpful besides the suggestions and changes I've already made the only thing I think would be a good addition are worksheets that outline the things that have been discussed in each session/module that can be downloaded after the program as a way to remember the things talked about and always have something to look back on. For example the five senses, speed reading, confirmation bias, etc.